The Beyond Words Anthology: Madison Uncut is a collection of moving short stories written and published by a group of young students at Dane County Jail and Dane County Juvenile Detention Center. Presented in the writers' raw and undiluted voices, Madison Uncut is the successful result of a short self-development course devised and delivered by London author and playwright, D.d. ARMSTRONG.
Exploring a range of cognitive skills and social issues, Madison Uncut illustrates some of the unheard and underlining narratives facing adolescence in a city described as one of the safest places in America to live; yet maintains a rising rate of gun crime.
Putting the pencil to the page can be a fun experience, yet it can often be a steep challenge. Bubbler workshops regularly include a writing component, but the final output usually transforms into another art form. Sometimes it takes the experiences and leadership of a visitor like the talented D.d. Armstrong to challenge the individuals and the group to dig deep and to follow the flow of their hand.