
Make it

Teenagers in Madison (WI) have a story to tell and the creations below have been posted as examples of the content they create while working with the library and our talented community partners.

The library's continuous efforts to connect with potential partners is what keeps the experiences current and dynamic, allowing the library to facilitate a wide range of hands-on workshops in all nine libraries and at partner locations around the city. While the Bubbler creations are the end product teen participants are focused on, Teen Bubbler workshop leaders are more concerned with relationship building and basic skill development.

Of the many things to be found inside the Media Lab at Central Library, 3D World Building / Video Game Design is one of our main attractions. And…


For 14 weeks in the Spring of 2017, a group of local teenagers and adults came together for 3 hours each week to share a meal, meet an artist, create something, and trade stories --


Not every creation Bubbler Teens make fits neatly into project categories.  Check out these unique and often impromptu creations!  


An avatar is a form, creature, or symbol that can be used to reveal yourself to the world, and at the same time, to hide your identity. What would you choose to represent yourself to the world?…


There are five key elements to a successful board game: theme, mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics, aboutnessTeen Bubbler particpants…


We think good books should have cool advertisements just like movies and that is why Bubbler animators want to help you create book trailers! This stop-motion animation project aims to expand…


Ever wonder how the world is interpreted by local high school students? Take the time to listen to these original classroom mixtapes for genuine student insight &…


Madison teens work with a variety of Bubbler artists to create collaborative collages. Sometimes the collage is the result of a meaningful discussion and sometimes it is the result of cool…


Making and sharing food is a great way for Madison Teens to get to know each other and their community.

Direct Message

Thas it, right there
That goin' be the name, direct message right there
Box that one, that's the name


If you could draw a map of your your heart, what would it look like? 


The Hip Hop Architecture Camp uses real world architecture skills and sociological study to design, plan and map a new vision for the community or contribute to creative peacemaking…


Teens in the system reflect on what it feels like to be incarcerated.

Get your fill with these cooking videos created by Madison teens in the Seed to Table program. Operated by…

The Bubbler, in collaboration with the Neighborhood Intervention Program and FauHaus, presents an art exhibition by Madison youth. MASK OFF brought together UW-Madison staff, Teen Bubbler, and… more

The Media Academy provides Madison teens the opportunity to work with music and film industry professionals on the development and publishing of music for social justice. By pairing…


The Media Academy provides Madison teens the opportunity to work with music and film industry professionals on the development and publishing of music for social justice…


Drip, splatter, and spray large scale art! Painting workshops explore visual art and creative expression through the use of drawing, color, and painting, music and conversation. Starting with…


Maps do more than help us find our way. They are selective ways of imagining, representing and distorting our worlds. Map-making, or cartography, is the art of filtering and focusing the…


The Bubbler works with various artists and sound engineers to develop and deliver podcast workshop series with community partner locations. Some groups focus on the future, some groups focus on…

Each year, 8th grade students at Akira Toki Middle School are asked to develop messages that bring awareness to, or suggest change for, the things they are most passionate about. After collaborating… more

Local musicians and sound engineers from the Media Lab at Central Library like to challenge Madison teens to express themselves in a positive…


Whether created by yourself, or forced upon you by others, the personal brands we carry and put out into the world tend to say a lot about us before we say anything at all. Given the chance…


The Rooted program worked with Madison Public Library to develop youth media production projects that document and share the…


Madison teens collaborate with local artists on projects that revolve around sewing and mending.

The Bubbler has 24 portable stop-motion animation stations used to strategically introduce teenagers to the basics of storytelling and the intricacies of stop-motion animation. The library…


Too Much Sauce  
It means the sauciness of the kids
The creativity that the kids have
Their artistic flow

Writing is an extremely personal way to share your story. It is also one of the first step to recording an original song! Working with creative writing partners like the, Rob Dz, JVN Project, and… more