
intro to brass
intro to brass

Will Porter has a passion that he likes to share with others, and he has been working with the Bubbler to engage Madison teenagers in an introductory course on the history of brass instruments around the world, followed by a hands-on lesson.

Once the group learns a few basic notes to play together, they eventually progress into a sustained tempo where Will invites each participant to share their own good or bad (but fun!) solo vibe that mixes up the combinations and timing.

Making Justice trombone workshop with Will Porter
The brass now comes in plastic - and it sounds great!
Bubbler Making Justice trombone workshop with Will Porter
A quick lesson on sound and vibration, leading into the invention and migration of brass instruments.
Making Justice trombone workshop with Will Porter
Handing out trombones at Dane County Juvenile Detention Center.
Bubbler Making Justice trombone workshop with Will Porter
Will Porter posing with a group after their first 90-minute trombone workshop at Central Library.



WATCH: because learning a new instrument is fun!



The purchase of the instruments was made possible through a Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Grant.

Phi Kappa Phi grant funds trombone and trumpet workshops for youth.