Icarus Storyboards.

Bubbler Teens
Bubbler Teens
Image of Icarus storyboard
This workshop was presented by James Bellucci  

Artist-in-Residence James Bellucci worked with three groups of Bubbler Teens to create and photograph storyboard dioramas. Each storyboard depicts the group's interpretation of the Greek myth of Icarus, the tragic legend of a young man who used wax and feather wings to escape imprisonment. Unfortunately, he fell into the sea after the sun melted his wings. 


Image of Icarus storyboard


After discussing the myth of Icarus, the Bubbler Teens went to work selecting materials.


Image of teen's hand working with play-doh and magazine clippings


Teen selecting props for storyboard


Using play-doh, images from magazines, toys, and other props, each group built their own renditions of the story.  


Teen makes minotaur


Teen builds storyboard


Teens and James working on storyboard


James Bellucci and the Bubbler Teens then photographed their storyboards using a variety of angles, equipment, and techniques. 


James and teen photograph storyboard


James and teen photograph storyboard


Filtered image of minotaur

Bubbler Teen says:

We made a really amazing cool thing today!