Reentry Toolkit.

new life

The resources and links offered are to assist ex-offenders to reentry into their community. Additional resources will appear as they become available. Please review carefully, and contact the key staff as listed to ensure a quick reply.

  • Criminal Records and Getting Back into the Workforce: This resource discusses the ex-offenders criminal record and what to expect when dealing with employers.
  • DOL Ex-Offender Handbook: A federal guide to resources available from the Job Center system.
  • Arrest and Conviction Records Under the Law: FAQs, from the Equal Rights Division of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
  • Xamire Wisconsin has resources to help felons find jobs, housing and federal programs. 
  • Fair Shake is a re-entry resource center that encourages all stakeholders to participate in the reintegration of formerly incarcerated people back into society.
  • Ready4Work is a report from the US Dept. of Labor on a pilot program designed to help returning offenders by linking them to community institutions like Holy Cathedral/Word of Hope Ministries of Milwaukee.