

Sector67 is a Community Workspace / Hackerspace / Makerspace / Collaborative Environment in Madison, WI, dedicated to providing members the opportunity to work on tomorrow’s technology; to build, collaborate, learn, and teach about next generation devices. Artist? Engineer? Programmer? Sculpturer? Tinkerer? Hobbiest? RC Enthusiast? Maker? Builder? Prototyper? Business Person? Thinker? Visionary? Entertainer? Designer? Writer? Hacker? – Sector67 would like to give you a place to work and discover new ideas.

Sector67 has a little over 8500 square feet on Madison's East side. Full memberships are 100/month, 50/month for college students. This membership gives you access to the space, tools, and equipment you’ve been trained to use. We offer a la carte classes for more sophisticated equipment like welders, mills, lathes, 3D printers; and require a shop safety/orientation class to keep the insurance companies happy and you safe. Most classes are (roughly) flat rate 20/hour.