Intention Figures

Intention Figures.Being There

Who is there for you when you need someone? What attributes draw you to him or her? To pay tribute to the important figures in their lives, veteran Art Therapist, Kay DeWaide, works with Bubbler Teens to construct intention figures through a creative and meditative process that all starts by writing down a few words on a piece of paper that represent this person and then crumpling that paper up into a ball that is used to create the head of the Intention Figure.

Image of intention figure
Image of intention figure

My dude on the inside of his head it say money, ‘cause I like money …he just cashed out, Gucci. With a peacock on his head, cause that’s what dudes do, they go peacocking when they tryin’ to find they ladies.

Image of intention figure
Image of intention figure

This is supposed to be my mom…funny, my mom is real funny, she always be funny.

Image of intention figure
Image of intention figure

I was going to do my mom, but then I had a change of thought. I just did whatever. Inside the head I put loving.

Image of intention figure
Image of intention figure

Mine is my cousin that had passed away. He had dreds, too.

Image of intention figure
Image of intention figure

I got sweet, my mom’s sweet to me, and sweet to a lot of people.
